![Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rates](https://cdn.safedinar.com/media/news/6/1/61172016_10272016_2016-03-14t100019z_1689770027_gf10000344750_rtrmadp_3_nbe-currency-cd.jpg)
The U.S. dollar to Iraqi dinar (IQD) exchange rate was slightly down in the Kurdistan Regionâs money markets on Monday (July 11).
Broker Dana Mawlud told NRT that $100 U.S. was selling at 127,300 IQD early in the day.
Mawlud also reported 100 British pounds was at 166,000 IQD, continuing its fall, while the euro remained stable at 100 to 140,000 IQD.
original source:Â http://www.nrttv.com/EN/Details.aspx?Jimare=8863