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Iraq security panel work starts, Iran open to talks

By Paul TaitWed Jul 25, 10:08 AM ET

U.S. and Iraqi officials began work on Wednesday on setting up a security panel with Iran to try to end Iraq's bloodshed, and Tehran said it was open to higher-level talks with Washington.

The work began one day after envoys from arch foes Iran and the United States met for a second time this year to discuss security in Iraq.

U.S. ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker had bluntly accused Tehran on Tuesday of stepping up its support for Iraqi militias in the two months since the first round of talks.

Sectarian violence and worsening chaos in Iraq has pushed the United States and Iran, which have not had diplomatic ties since shortly after Iran's 1979 revolution, to seek common ground, with Iraq asking both for help.

But the two rounds of talks have produced few concrete steps apart from Tuesday's agreement to establish a trilateral security committee to investigate issues such as support for militias and al Qaeda in Iraq.

U.S. political and military representatives in Baghdad were working on how to set up the committee and areas which it would investigate after Tuesday's talks.

"They'll talk to the Iraqis, who will then talk to the Iranians and we'll see how we proceed from there," a U.S. embassy spokesman said.

Washington accuses Shi'ite Muslim Iran of fomenting violence in Iraq. Iran denies the charge and blames the U.S.-led invasion to topple Saddam Hussein in 2003 for the bloodshed between Iraq's majority Shi'ite and minority Sunni Arabs.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki was quoted on Wednesday as saying that Iran was ready for higher-level talks with Washington if asked.

"It can be considered if Iran receives a formal request from America," Mottaki said.

Iran's semi-official Fars news agency also quoted Mottaki as rejecting the accusations that Tehran backed Iraqi militants, saying the Americans were "trying to run away from their own mistakes."

Adding to the tensions, unidentified gunmen set up a fake checkpoint in a southern area of Baghdad on Wednesday and fired on Iranian pilgrims returning from the holy Shi'ite city of Kerbala, seriously wounding seven, police said.


Tuesday's talks came less than two months before Crocker and U.S. military commander General David Petraeus must present a crucial report to the U.S. Congress on Iraq's political and security progress.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's fractured government is under growing pressure from Washington to meet a series of political benchmarks aimed at promoting national reconciliation before Congress receives the progress report in mid-September.

Underscoring the difficulties Maliki faces, the Accordance Front, parliament's main Sunni bloc, said on Wednesday its ministers would suspend work for a week to push the government to give them a greater say in security matters.

The Front suspended participation in cabinet meetings last month.

The landmark May 28 meeting between Crocker and Iranian counterpart Hassan Kazemi-Qomi had been described by both sides as positive but the tone changed markedly in Tuesday's talks, most of which Crocker said had not been "terribly relevant."

(With additional reporting by Mariam Karouny in Baghdad and Parisa Hafezi in Tehran)

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