4 results
PD | TN | Mar 17 2023Q. What is the difference in the rate of the Dinar today compared to when I bought it back around 2012?A.
Please refer to our IQD currency dashboard for the current exchange rates.
Mar 4 2023Q. What is the difference in the rate of the Dinar today compared to when I bought it back around 2012?A.
Please refer to our Iraqi Dinar currency dashboard for the current exchange rates.
DD | Jan 26 2023Q. It says here all IQD notes are legal tender. Is the Fifty-dollar IQD note legal tender?A. All the notes pictured on our website are considered legal tender.
Dec 15 2022Q. I own Iraqi Dinar. How do I confirm the current value?A.
The current market rate for Iraqi Dinar can be found on here.