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Currency and COVID-19: how the pandemic has impacted currency exchange


Money Talks
Currency and COVID-19: how the pandemic has impacted currency exchange

As the COVID-19 pandemic carries on, we at have had to adapt to a different way of working.

Like many of you, this situation has forced a transition from our office to a home/distributed team environment. From our armored service company to our call center, the pandemic has also affected our contractors.

Most importantly to our customers, the pandemic has affected the availability of numerous international currencies, especially the Iraqi Dinar and the Vietnamese Dong. Note that redemption orders have not been disrupted, and continue to be processed and paid within 1-2 business days.

Just as international travel has been restricted, so has the exchange of currencies across borders. Flight cancellations, border closures, and business closures have constricted currency exchange supplies. The combination of these factors temporarily forced us to delay the processing of customer orders for the first time in our 16 years in business.

Although the world has not returned to normal, we are happy to report that our backlog of orders has been cleared. As we move forward, any currency shown as available on our website will be shipped on the posted date, and we will warn you ahead of time if your order will be delayed.

We are as eager as you are to resume business as usual, and we’re doing our best to honor exchange rates at the moment the order is placed. Thank you for bearing with us through this unprecedented time.

Questions & Answers Regarding Currency and COVID-19

Q. Are there any limits on buying and selling currency during this pandemic?
A. Depending on available inventory, we may need to limit the volume we can exchange of certain currencies, particularly the Iraqi Dinar and Vietnamese Dong.

Q. Is there any way to speed my order up during this pandemic?
A. If your order has been delayed, it may be possible for us to ship your order right away if you are willing to substitute a different denomination or note quality. Please contact us at to see which substitutions may be available.

Q. Are all of your usual currencies available?
A. Yes. Although occasionally delayed, all of our currencies are available through the pandemic.

Q. During the pandemic, will I still receive my redemption payment as quickly as before?
A. The timing of payments has not been affected by the pandemic. In fact, 90% of the time, customers can expect payment within one business day, although our payment guarantee is within two business days.

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